It was never meant to be, but you can be a Christian and not a disciple. Being a Christian secures your eternity, but does little to make you Christ-like. Unfortunately, we too often see "Christians" who's life and behavior are nearly indistinguishable from non-Christians. Jesus offered a life more abundant, so why don't we realize that truth in our daily lives?
Because we haven't intended to become his disciple. Jesus lived an abundant life by living out of the Kingdom of Heaven and he invites us to live there too. The only way for us to live out of his kingdom is to learn from Jesus how to live. Jesus is always with us and will provide the power we need to accomplish this. Jesus was the greatest teacher of all time. We need to learn from Him, to be His disciple, His student.
In this 14-week class, through Dallas Willard's material, we will begin to see why we struggle to love those we don't want to love, why we struggle to overcome our anger, why we repeatedly mistreat our loved ones, why we are fighting the same battles against sin over and over in our life.
Dallas summarizes our spiritual state that has turned against God and he reveals the 6 dimensions of our self: thoughts, feelings, will, body, social relations and soul. After he lays down an understanding of the purpose of each dimension, he walks us through each one helping us understand how easily we can begin the process of spiritual transformation in our lives. The change in us is not something we can do on our own, but it is a work of the Holy Spirit acting in our lives.
As we begin to see changes in our inner life, for example, loving those we don't want to love, finding ourselves putting others first and realizing victories over sin, we'll find ourselves stepping into the Kingdom of Heaven more often. We'll begin to realize what it is to live an abundant life, a life permeated by love and a life of joy rooted deeply in our Heavenly Father.
This class is for anyone who is serious about learning to live like Jesus, married, single, male or female. Bring your spouse or significant other. Books are available at the first meeting and cost $10.